Wow, I haven't been able to blog for awhile now. I'm so sorry that I wasn't paying attention!
Actually, I've been busy with work, being a mom, and trying to live thru the heatwave which has settled into Texas for what seems like forever.
Thursday morning, I lost my job. No warning, no warning signs--other than the white Dodge truck parked in front of the office when I got there. I didn't realize that it was our DM.
I was fired due to not meeting the company standards for life insurance sales.
Thursday I cried, bawled actually, almost all day. I immediately went to my mom's house and got online to start applying for jobs. I have a phone interview on Monday.
My husband has taken it remarkably well. It may have something to do with the fact that almost 7 years ago, he was the one who was fired from a job that he absolutely loved. So he gets it. Now I just have to replace my income before the inevitable fights over money start up again.
I felt like I'd been shot in the gut, which is a miserable place to be shot, apparently. A shot in the gut won't kill immediately; it's a slow bleeding process that is messy and I'd imagine hurts like Hell. It reminds me over and over again everytime I feel it--how my customers will wonder what I did wrong, how my name has been tarnished, how I wish I'd done a million different things differently on Thursday morning--and in the past 3 years.
But I'm not actually bleeding. I will heal from this--stronger,smarter, and more alert. I will fight to avoid becoming too cynical or negative about this. I am moving on.
In the meantime, I will urge you all to consider the following:
Life is uncertain. Life Insurance is really very important! Especially if you have a family that you love.
Don't get cocky or comfortable and think that you can't be replaced or eliminated. I thought I was immune because I went out of my way to work very hard to service not only my customers but everyone else's. Big mistake!!
And finally, if you don't do anything else this weekend or next week, PLEASE go see Julie and Julia!! It was the best movie I've ever seen, and for the entire movie, I was able to forget my own troubles and fall in love with the characters!! Made me want to learn to cook like Julia Childs; well maybe not that, but I will get her cookbook as soon as I have a reliable income!!
Kiss your kids.
Sorry to hear about your job! I always try to look at these things like a blessing in disguise. You will find something else that makes you happier or fits you more! Congrats on the phone interview already! I hope it goes well!